Saturday, April 16, 2005

Hell's Kitchen

Before you start nagging I know its been a long time since there’s been any activity on my blog, but in my defence I’ve been hellishly busy!!

I’ll try and update you on everything but please accept my sincere apologies for missed items! So where to start?

I guess the kitchen has to be the starting point. I’m about ready to talk about it now. I can really see the appeal of getting people in to do this sort of job for you. I guess my expectations were wrong and I shouldn’t have expected it done in only 4 days. Still 2 weeks on and it is finally finished and might I say looking fine indeed!! It’s almost a shame that my living room and dining room were out of action at the same time (due to piles of kitchen and DIY stuff) because when the kitchen was finished I spent most of my time enjoying a tidy living room and dining room but what can you do!

My next post will include some pictures but until then....a massive thanks to my parents, to my dad for doing most of the work (in my defence he wouldn’t let me help, perhaps he knows what I’m like with tools) and thanks to mum for giving me a high score to beat on the DS. Seriously between the 8 trips to B&Q over the weekend my mum spent the rest of the time playing a handheld computer game!!!

But that is all behind me know….its finished and I put the very last finishing touch on to it just now!

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